Last Updated on February 17, 2025 by Angela Vaz
Life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes, despite our best efforts, things just don’t seem to go our way.
I’ve been there—feeling stuck, drained, and wondering why nothing seems to work out.
If you’re feeling like life is nudging you in a different direction, you’re not alone.
The universe has a way of speaking to us, whether through gut feelings, repeated challenges, or those little coincidences we tend to brush off.
But how do you know for sure?
Here are some unmistakable signs that the universe might be telling you you’re on the wrong path—and some personal stories to help you relate.
1. You Constantly Feel Drained or Unmotivated
I remember a time when my friend was stuck in a job that looked perfect on paper but felt completely wrong.
Every morning, she’d drag myself out of bed, feeling exhausted before the day even began.
She’d clock in, sit at her desk, and count down the hours.
No matter how much she slept, she never felt truly rested.
After a year of this, she finally left her job and pursued something more fulfilling to her. She doesn’t get paid as much but she’s so happy now.
If you wake up feeling exhausted—even after a full night’s sleep—or you struggle to find enthusiasm for your daily routine, it may be a sign that you’re not aligned with your true purpose.
The right path should energize you, not deplete you.
2. Everything Feels Like an Uphill Battle
Challenges are normal in life, but if it feels like you’re constantly swimming against the current with no progress, the universe might be signaling that it’s time to pivot.
When I first started a business in an industry I wasn’t passionate about, everything felt forced.
Every deal was a struggle, every client was difficult, and every day felt like a battle.
I had a goal, I wanted to save some money to buy a drawing tablet before I quit working in that field.
The second I bought my graphic tablet, I started my own business in the thing I love most – drawing.
And everything changed.
When I shifted to something I truly loved, opportunities began flowing effortlessly.
I was working more hours, but it was so rewarding.
When you’re on the right path, even hard work feels meaningful and rewarding.
3. You Keep Encountering Roadblocks
From canceled opportunities to unexpected failures, repeated setbacks could be the universe’s way of redirecting you.
My friend once applied for over 20 jobs in a row and got rejection after rejection.
At the time, it felt like the world was against her, but looking back, she realizes that those doors were closing so that a better one could open.
If nothing seems to be working out despite your best efforts, it may be time to reassess your direction.
4. You Feel Disconnected or Unfulfilled
Have you ever looked at your life and thought, Is this really it?
Even if everything looks good on paper—a stable job, a solid relationship, financial security—something still feels “off.”
That feeling of emptiness is a clue that you might not be living in alignment with your deeper purpose.
I once ignored this feeling for years, convincing myself that I “should” be happy.
But once I listened to my heart and made changes, I finally felt a sense of wholeness I never knew was possible.
5. Your Intuition Keeps Nudging You Elsewhere
That small voice inside you that says, this isn’t right or you should be doing something else is worth listening to.
I used to ignore my gut feelings, thinking I was just being irrational.
But every time I pushed past my intuition, I ended up in situations that drained me.
Your intuition often picks up on things before your logical mind does, and ignoring it can lead to prolonged unhappiness.
6. You’re Experiencing Frequent Anxiety or Stress
Stress is part of life, but persistent feelings of anxiety, dread, or worry about your situation could be a sign that you’re not in the right place.
When I was in the wrong relationship, I constantly felt stress and anxiety.
Towards the end of that relationship, I felt at peace when my ex would leave the house to go to work.
My body knew before I did that something wasn’t right.
Eventually my ex cheated on me and the relationship ended. But had I to listen to my gut, I could have avoided so much pain and devastation.
Your body and mind are trying to tell you something—pay attention.
7. You’re Envious of Other People’s Lives
It’s natural to admire others, but if you find yourself frequently wishing you had someone else’s job, lifestyle, or passions, it might be a sign that you’re not pursuing what truly makes you happy.
Instead of feeling inspired, you feel stuck.
I used to scroll through social media, envious of people who seemed to be doing work they loved.
Once I realized that envy was actually a sign of what I wanted for myself, I used it as motivation to create a life that excited me.
8. You Keep Encountering Synchronicities or Unusual Signs
Do you keep seeing the same numbers (like 11:11), hearing the same messages in conversations, or stumbling upon articles or quotes that seem to speak directly to your situation?
The universe often communicates through signs and synchronicities to help guide you in the right direction.
I once kept seeing the word “writer” everywhere—on billboards, in conversations, in books.
Eventually, I realized it was the universe pushing me to pursue writing, something I had ignored for years.
9. You’re Afraid to Make a Change—But Also Afraid to Stay the Same
Feeling stuck between fear of the unknown and discomfort in your current situation is a clear indicator that something needs to shift.
I have spent years in a relationship that wasn’t right for me because I was terrified of being alone.
But deep down, I knew staying was just as scary as leaving.
When fear is keeping you in place, it’s often a sign that you need to take a leap of faith.
10. You Experience a Sudden Loss or Major Life Shift
Sometimes, the universe gives us a drastic push—like losing a job, ending a relationship, or facing an unexpected upheaval.
While painful, these moments often serve as catalysts for necessary change, pushing us toward something better.
Looking back, every “loss” I experienced led to something far greater than I could have imagined.
Losing my partner helped me talk about love and relationships (including divorce) in this blog. Losing my mom helped me write about death and grief and this has in turn helped so many people deal with their grief of losing a parent.
11. You’re Not Excited About the Future
If thinking about your future fills you with dread rather than excitement, it’s time to reconsider your path.
Your journey should inspire you, not weigh you down.
I remember realizing that I had nothing to look forward to in my old job—it was just an endless cycle of stress.
But once I realigned with what truly made me happy, I couldn’t wait to see what each day would bring.
What to Do If You Recognize These Signs
If these signs resonate with you, it’s time for some honest self-reflection. Ask yourself:
- What truly makes me happy?
- Am I pursuing a life that aligns with my passions and values?
- What changes, big or small, can I start making to feel more fulfilled?
Start by exploring new opportunities, listening to your intuition, and allowing yourself to move in a direction that feels right.
The universe isn’t against you—it’s guiding you toward a life that aligns with who you’re meant to be.
Trust the process, and embrace the journey ahead.
Have you ever experienced signs from the universe telling you to change direction? I’d love to hear your story—share it in the comments!